Confirmation Emails/Shipping Delays

Two small announcements regarding some ongoing issues affecting multiple shoppers.

Request Form Confirmation Emails Missing

It has come to my attention that many people are not getting the automatic confirmation email after submitting a shopping service request form. This has been going on for about two weeks. We are looking into the cause but so far have not found it. If you submit a form and do not get the usual confirmation email please wait 24 hours and if you do not get a response from Tenshi, please send an email to Please add to your “permitted” list as well to make sure messages from Tenshishop do not get directed to your spam folder.

Shipping Delays to the West Coast of the USA

The second issue is shipping delays, mainly affecting those on the West Coast of the US. If your packages are usually routed through the LA hub, there seems to be a very large back up from mid December, with several shoppers reporting that their packages have been sitting in customs for 1-2 weeks, unmoving. Packages going through other hubs, like Chicago and New York, seem to be moving at an average pace. I am not sure when the LA hub will recover but I expect the back up has to do with the holidays and will probably take some time work through.

Thanks for your patience in these matters.