The invasion of Ukraine by Russia in late February 2022 has forced Japan Post to stop offering all air bound shipping services for packages to many European countries.
Two small announcements regarding some ongoing issues affecting multiple shoppers. Request Form Confirmation Emails Missing It has come to my attention that many people are not getting the automatic confirmation email after submitting a shopping service request form. This has been going on for about two weeks. We are looking into the cause but so
EMS shipping resumes for the US, rate increases for the US and Europe.
Tenshi Shop handles all communication with sellers. Shoppers should not contact sellers or volunteer Tenshi Shop to buy something without contacting Tenshi Shop first.
There have been significant changes to international shipping since the COVID-19 pandemic the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. This post has been updated several times from when it was first posted in 2020 in order to reflect the still changing shipping situation for various parts of the world. Please read through this post for info about